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Basic form styles are provided automatically. Each input/field should be organized inside a class="dc-field" element.

<div class="ds-field">
  <label for="username">
    <small>Or enter your email address</small>
  <input type="text" id="username">

Note the use of the <small> element to provide “hint” text to the label. Placing the hint text inside the <label> ensures it is not missed by screen reader users.

Basic example

Each input must be associated to its label by making their respective id and for attributes share the same value.

Light theme

Dark theme

Invoke the dark theme on any component by applying class="ds-dark" to a container element.

Invalid fields

For accessibility, each invalid field must have

Light theme

Your username must be more than one character

Dark theme

Invoke the dark theme on any component by applying class="ds-dark" to a container element.
Your username must be more than one character

Field errors are <small> elements with class="ds-field-error". Their id value must match the input’s aria-describedby value.

  <div class="ds-field">
    <label for="username">
      <small>Or enter your email address</small>
    <input type="text" id="username" aria-invalid="true" aria-describedby="username-error">
    <small class="ds-field-error" id="username-error">
      <span role="img" aria-label="Error">❌</span>
      Your username must be more than one character

Also note the use of role="img" and aria-label="Error" to ensure an appropriate accessible label for the ❌ icon.

Submission errors

If the form is invalid upon submission, a message should be displayed. Importantly, if submission is handled with JavaScript (and without a page load) this message should appear directly above the submit button, so the user can see it without scrolling.

Light theme

Your email or password is incorrect. Forgot your password?

Dark theme

Invoke the dark theme on any component by applying class="ds-dark" to a container element.
Your email or password is incorrect. Forgot your password?

In addition, it should be appended to an ARIA live region. This will announce its content in screen readers, ensuring blind screen reader users are aware the error has been invoked. Note the role="alert" in the below example:

<div role="alert">
  <div class="ds-error">
    <span role="img" aria-label="Error">❌</span> Your email or password is incorrect. <a href="#">Forgot your password?</a>


Fieldsets are useful for grouping fields together under a group label (<legend>). In fact, fieldsets/legends are the recommended way to label groups of radio buttons. The legend must be the first child element inside the fieldset.

Light theme

Favorite type of democracy

Dark theme

Invoke the dark theme on any component by applying class="ds-dark" to a container element.
Favorite type of democracy
  <legend>Favorite type of democracy</legend>
  <div class="ds-stack-smallest">
    <label class="ds-field-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="democracy" checked>
    <label class="ds-field-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="democracy">
    <label class="ds-field-radio">
      <input type="radio" name="democracy">