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Democracy Club’s Design System

The Democracy Club design system, like any good design system, helps you efficiently and consistently create Democracy Club web interfaces.

If there is something you need to create an interface that is not, so far, included in the system, raise an issue. DO NOT design and code your own, bespoke components. If you need it, it belongs here so others can use it too.


Before contributing a new component to the design system, you must do two things:

  1. Find out if it already exists. It’s likely the component you want either exists (just not exactly as you imagined), has an equivalent that does the same job (you probably just want that), or can be created using a combination of existing components and utility classes. If you encounter problems, raise an issue.
  2. Raise an issue. Before embarking on making the component (part component or other feature), raise an issue to make your intent public and confirm the necessity. Use the addition label.

When creating your component, follow these steps.

1. Create a partial

The CSS for your component will consist of a Sass partial and will exist in the partials folder inside the repo’s top-level system folder. For a component named “Component”, the filename should be _component.scss.

📁 fonts
📁 images
📁 partials <-- in here!

The Sass code for that partial should use placeholders. This allows for the extension of the code by other components, reducing redundant CSS in the output.

Let’s say our component just changes the text color to the design system’s $blueForWhite color. This is the correct format:

%ds-component {
  color: $blueForWhite;

@mixin component {
  .ds-component {
    @extend %ds-component;

2. Import and include the partial

The partial now needs to be imported in both the docs.scss and index.template.css files.

@import 'partials/_component.scss';

In both these files, you also need to @include the mixin in the “optional styles” block. Then it’s at the design system consumer’s discretion whether they want to comment it out.

@mixin optional-styles {
  @include some-component;
  @include component;
  @include another-component;
  ... etc ...

3. Document the component

You must document your component!

The documentation site is built in Eleventy and lives in the src-site folder, adjacent to the system folder you have just been working in.

Create a markdown file in the src-site/components folder. The only frontmatter you need is a title.

title: Component

TODO: describe the component

In the body of the markdown file, you will need to include the following:

  1. An introduction to the component starting “Use the [component name] when you need to...”
  2. Use the {% ds-example %} shortcode to include a code block showing the HTML needed for the component. Add more examples for further code blocks to demonstrate changes to the markup based on state (where applicable)
  3. An inline demo of the component. This should use the same markup as the code block in (2) (except (2) might be truncated or use dummy paths). Importantly, it must be nested in a <div> with class="ds-scope" since styles need to be scoped/separated within the docs pages. See below for a demo… of a demo.

Here’s a demo:

{% ds-example %}
  <div class="ds-component">
    <!-- contents of the component -->
{% endds-example %}

Dark theme

The design system includes a dark theme. Anything wrapped in .ds-dark will use the dark theme.

When writing components, you can implement this in your component SASS:

%ds-component {
  color: $blueForWhite;

@mixin component {
  .ds-component {
    @extend %ds-component;
  // Dark theme
  .ds-dark .ds-component {
    color: red;

Other contribution

If you see anything missing or not right with these docs, raise an issue using the docs label.